這標題看起來理所當然,是吧?沒 有好好的使用你的臀肌是下背痛的 主要原因之一。為什麼呢?因為我 們很容易在坐著或站著的時候,過度 的將尾骨放到兩腳之間的位置。意思就是,當我們坐著的時候,是坐 在骨盆的後方(couch potato 姿勢),那我們的重量就會 在坐骨的後面,壓扁我們的臀肌( 左圖),然後當我們站起來的時候 ,我們的骨盆還是停留在後傾的位 置。(右圖,看起來屁股會往前推)
Seems obvious, right? Poorly and inefficiently utilized butt muscles (gluteus maximus, often referred to as “glutes”) are a leading cause of low back pain. Why? Because we have a tendency to both sit and stand with our tail between our legs. We sit on the back of our pelvis, with our weight behind our ischial tuberosities, squashing our lower glutes (below left). Then, when we stand, our pelvis stays in this posterior tilt (below right).
當你站著或坐著的時候骨盆後傾, 你的臀肌就會變成你後腿的一部分 ,臀肌將會失去功能。(鬆垮垮的 屁股啊啊啊)而且即使你前彎,你的下 半部的臀肌還是留在被往下拉向大 腿後側的位置,而沒有往上越過 你的骨盆,那才是臀肌比較好發揮 功能的位置。所以你的臀肌應該是 要能夠抬起來並且從坐骨的地方與腿後側分開。臀 肌就是在坐骨上面與大腿後側 肌肉交接處。在前彎的時候,臀肌 會往上越過骨盆,支持著薦椎跟腰椎,同時 大腿後側肌群會從坐骨的地方往下拉長。
When you stand and sit with a posteriorly-til ted pelvis, your butt muscles have become a part of your leg. The glutes lose their tone. (Saggy butt, anyone?) And even when you take a forward bend, your lower glutes stay pulled down toward your back thigh instead of placed high on your pelvis as they are designed to best function. What needs to happen instead is for the glutes to lift and separate away from the ischial tuberosities (“sitting bones”). The glutes attach above the hamstrings on these bones. In a forward bend, the glutes slide up on the pelvis to support the sacrum and lumbar spine, as the hamstrings lengthen from the sit bones downward.
這裡有個簡短的影片來解釋這個概 念。
Here is a short video explaining and demonstrating this concept.
深蹲是最近很流行來重新訓練你臀 大肌力量與功能的動作。但是如 果當你髖關節屈曲的時候,你的臀 肌並沒有在你的骨盆上方與腿後側分開,他們就會 往下拉著你的薦椎而沒有辦法提供 他們應該要有的穩定性。當你深蹲 的時候,試著保持脊椎在中立的位 置,不要過度捲你的尾骨或是 你的臀部,讓他們抬起來。然後當 你要從深蹲起來的時候,你的臀肌 將有更多的空間可以去提供適當的 力量來讓你站起來。
Squats are the latest craze for re-building gluteus maximus strength and function. Yet if your glutes are not staying up on your pelvis as you flex your hips, they are going to pull down on your sacrum instead of providing the stability they should. When lowering into a squat, work to keep your spine neutral without tucking your tail or your glutes — keep ’em up and keep ’em high! Then as you come back up out of your squat your glutes will have more freedom to provide the proper force-generatio n to bring you upright.
試著注意你的臀肌一整天都在什麼 樣的位子。 坐著的時候坐在你的坐骨上,不 要太往前或者是太往後。(如左圖 )站著的時候呢?試著拉長你的大 腿後側,將你的重心往後,直到你 的骨盆可以在你的腳踝上面達到平 衡的位置。(如右圖,此時你的屁股就在你後面啦)
Pay attention to where your glutes are throughout the day. Notice where you are sitting and balance your weight on your two sitting bones, not forward or back of them (below left). Standing? Lengthen the back of the thighs and shift your weight back until your pelvis is balanced over your heels (below right).
你越能將你的屁股好好的放在你的 「後面」,你的臀肌肌肉張力會更 好,你的下背也將會更健康更有功 能性。穿衣服的時候屁股的形狀也 會比較好看,更重要的是,在走路 跟站著的時候,可以維持比較好的 姿勢。
The more your butt stays on your backside(!) the more toned, healthy and functional your back will remain. You will maintain better shape in your clothes and, most importantly, maintain better standing and walking alignment.
Seems obvious, right? Poorly and inefficiently utilized butt muscles (gluteus maximus, often referred to as “glutes”) are a leading cause of low back pain. Why? Because we have a tendency to both sit and stand with our tail between our legs. We sit on the back of our pelvis, with our weight behind our ischial tuberosities, squashing our lower glutes (below left). Then, when we stand, our pelvis stays in this posterior tilt (below right).
When you stand and sit with a posteriorly-til
Here is a short video explaining and demonstrating this concept.
Squats are the latest craze for re-building gluteus maximus strength and function. Yet if your glutes are not staying up on your pelvis as you flex your hips, they are going to pull down on your sacrum instead of providing the stability they should. When lowering into a squat, work to keep your spine neutral without tucking your tail or your glutes — keep ’em up and keep ’em high! Then as you come back up out of your squat your glutes will have more freedom to provide the proper force-generatio
Pay attention to where your glutes are throughout the day. Notice where you are sitting and balance your weight on your two sitting bones, not forward or back of them (below left). Standing? Lengthen the back of the thighs and shift your weight back until your pelvis is balanced over your heels (below right).
The more your butt stays on your backside(!) the more toned, healthy and functional your back will remain. You will maintain better shape in your clothes and, most importantly, maintain better standing and walking alignment.