How bad is forward head posture?
How do you fix forward head posture? well, you don't. you stop forward head posture. let me explain.
你如何處理低頭的姿勢?嗯,你不 用。你要的是停止低頭的姿勢,讓 我來解釋。
First off, there is nothing damaging about a little forward head posture. It's fine. it's normal. so don't sweat being out of perfect alignment
首先,低頭並不是一件非常不好的 事情,這很正常,所以你如果沒有 在一個非常完美的姿勢上不用太緊 張。
Secondly, we should think less about forward head posture as a posture and more so As a movement. Because every time you move your head, you drift into forward head posture. Is that bad? Is it OK? and how much is too much?
第二,我們應該把低頭當成一個動 作而不是一個姿勢。因為是你移動 你的頭往前往下,才形成低頭的姿 勢。這樣很糟糕嗎?這樣可以嗎? 多低才是太誇張?
Well, it's definitely not always bad and you should actually be able to do it because it adds more variability to your movement. but it shouldn't be your only movement strategy. that's where the how much is too much question comes in.
嗯,這當然不是很糟啊!你本來就 應該要能夠做這個動作來增加你的 動作多樣性,但是你不能只有這個 動作啊!所以這才是回答多少才是 太誇張這個問題的重點。
There won't be a black and white answer and the best one is to say "all things in moderation" or "just use some common sense." Forward head posture isn't bad but staring down at your phone or hunching over at your desk for an hour straight isn't the best idea. And jutting your head forward when training can lead some achiness. So focus on optimal technique there.
這個問題不是非黑即白,或許最好 的答案是中庸之道,或用常識來思 考。低頭並不是那麼的糟,但是一 直低頭看著手機或是在書桌前駝背 連續超過一個小時,就不是那麼好 了。動作訓練時頭往前的位置也可 能會導致一些疼痛。所以注意執行 的對不對比較重要。
The fix. Focus in the form better habits and the technique. you can still slouch, look down and stare at memes and puppies on IG. Just be conscious of how long you spend there and mix it up every now and then. Bring the phone up, sit up straight. for some that will be hard and you will need some exercises to help break the habit. In that case, chin tucks and deep neck flexor strengthening are great options. use them as needed.
解決方案。養成好的習慣以及學習 正確的動作模式。你還是可以駝背 呀,你還是可以往下看還是可以看 著你的手機看IG。只要自己有意 識在這個動作多久了然後有時抬頭 有時低頭交換動作。有時把手機拿 高、坐直,或許這個動作對你來說 會有點難,你可能會需要一些運動 來幫助你改善這個習慣。如果是這 樣的話,收下巴(想像頭頂延伸會 是比較好的cue)以及深層頸部 肌肉的訓練會是不錯的方法,如果 你需要的話。
註:對於收下巴的動作執行也是有 很多細節的,改天再分享,這不是簡單的動作啊,大家先 對自己平常的動作有意識,就可以 改變大腦認知了,當改變大腦認知 才能完整改變習慣,遠離肩頸痠痛 喔!
How do you fix forward head posture? well, you don't. you stop forward head posture. let me explain.
First off, there is nothing damaging about a little forward head posture. It's fine. it's normal. so don't sweat being out of perfect alignment
Secondly, we should think less about forward head posture as a posture and more so As a movement. Because every time you move your head, you drift into forward head posture. Is that bad? Is it OK? and how much is too much?
Well, it's definitely not always bad and you should actually be able to do it because it adds more variability to your movement. but it shouldn't be your only movement strategy. that's where the how much is too much question comes in.
There won't be a black and white answer and the best one is to say "all things in moderation" or "just use some common sense." Forward head posture isn't bad but staring down at your phone or hunching over at your desk for an hour straight isn't the best idea. And jutting your head forward when training can lead some achiness. So focus on optimal technique there.
The fix. Focus in the form better habits and the technique. you can still slouch, look down and stare at memes and puppies on IG. Just be conscious of how long you spend there and mix it up every now and then. Bring the phone up, sit up straight. for some that will be hard and you will need some exercises to help break the habit. In that case, chin tucks and deep neck flexor strengthening are great options. use them as needed.