
Kegels and Crunches Are Out, Hello Reflexive Core 不要再做凱格爾運動跟仰臥起坐了!!找回你的反射核心。

Understanding the Reflexive Core

The Reflexive Core is comprised of the respiratory diaphragm, deep abdominal muscles and the pelvic muscles. This is a pressurized system between all of these muscles (think of a full balloon). The respiratory diaphragm and pelvic muscles are the exact inverse of each other, so these muscles make up the top and bottom of the balloon. The abdominals start at the front, wrap around your sides and connect in your back so think of them as 360 degrees around the center of the balloon.

How it works:
這個系統運作方式:在反射核心正確且有功能的運作下,這些肌肉彼此在每次吸氣、吐氣時需要互相協調、有所連結,可以看影片Real MRI thorax.)。
Some functional anatomy, here it goes! The diaphragm, abs and pelvic muscles are connected. These muscles have to coordinate and communicate with each other in order for the reflexive core system to function appropriately. See this video for what actually happens every time we inhale and exhale.

* Inhalation: diaphragm lowers, pelvic muscles yield to the pressure change, abs open and release.
* Exhalation: diaphragm elevates (recoils), pelvic muscles recoil from elongated position, abs engage.
* This is a balanced system and what it should look/feel like in every person when we breath correctly
* This system should activate ‘reflexively’ (ie pelvic muscles tighten, abs engage) with movement or any time there is increased pressure through our center (think: moving sit to stand, bending to lift weights/children, coughing, sneezing, running, jumping, etc)

Sometimes, there is a fault SOMEWHERE in this system. It could be due to:
* Diastasis Recti-a separation of the ab muscles. Think about a slit down the center of the balloon
* C-section scarring or perineal scar-This can inhibit the elasticity/stretch of parts of the balloon
* Weak pelvic muscles-not enough support/recruitment at the bottom of balloon to respond to changes in pressure inside the balloon
* Pelvic muscles that are too tight-what if the bottom of the balloon was so taut that you couldn’t breath into it and get it to open and expand? Due to its decrease in elasticity, It certainly can’t absorb any pressure/force. Tight pelvic muscles= WEAKNESS.
太緊繃的骨盆底肌,可以想像如果氣球的底部非常的緊,你根本就沒有辦法把氣吸到那邊讓他擴張開來,因為缺乏了彈性就沒有辦法吸收壓力或者是承受力量,所以緊繃的骨盆底肌就是無力的骨盆底肌。* Over-gripped abdominals-Think about just squeezing the center of the balloon. Where does the pressure go? This makes for very unhappy and compressed/descended pelvic organs.
* Decreased awareness of alignment/posture-the ‘lean back & butt tuck’ posture or ‘slumped’ posture make for a balloon that isn’t stacked. These muscles can’t communicate!
* Poor body mechanics/exercise techniques-breath holding, bending incorrectly, or exercise techniques that isolate only 1 part of the core system. What if only center of the balloon gets exercised?
* Hormonal changes that occur throughout the lifespan

A fault somewhere in the system leads to SYMPTOMS that may include:
* urinary incontinence-ANY involuntary loss of urine
* urinary urgency-intense urge to urinate, with or without urine loss
* urinary frequency-more than 7x/day, 0-1x/night
* pelvic organ prolapse-heaviness/pressure into the pelvis or vagina
* bowel incontinence, urgency, frequency, constipation
* pain with intercourse, pelvic pain, low back pain, hip pain, perineal pain, c-section pain

What does this mean?這代表什麼意思?
Correct the faults and decrease/eliminate the symptoms.
Note: This is why performing ‘Kegels’ or traditional abdominal exercises may not be effective or allow you to meet your goals. One must consider retraining the entire core system and addressing all faults in order to be most effective for optimizing pelvic health.

So, immediate actions:所以現在你應該:
* Watch your standing and sitting alignment. The system has to ‘stack up’
* Breathe correctly. Breathing with your diaphragm (360 deg rib cage expansion) decreases pressure on the pelvic floor and abs and brings diastasis separation closer together
* Exhale to activate the reflexive core when lifting, standing up from a squat, etc
* Be mindful of exercise techniques that could be contributing to faults and symptoms (This could be a entire other blog post!)
* Seek help from a specialized PT, of course!





為什麼,有些人可以在他的人生,持續的進步,而另一些人,就是會一直犯相同的錯誤呢? 雖然這件事情,並沒有一定正確的答案,但我發現 這兩群人,在面對困境跟挑戰的思考模式上,有一個很大的差異。 前者,在面對事情的時候,有一個 開放的心,渴望去學習,而且勇於認錯 。 後者,意見不合的時候,總是不願意討論,而且他們認為:與其承認自己錯,不如死了算了。 這兩種面對困境的方法,造就了他們的不同。 Why is it that some people seem to make constant progress in their professional and personal lives , while others appear to be doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over ? While the answer isn ’ t cut and dry , I ’ ve noticed an interesting mindset difference between these two groups: they approach obstacles and challenges very differently. The first group approaches life with an open mind — an eagerness to learn and a willingness to be wrong. The second group digs their heels in at the first sign of disagreement and would rather die than be wrong. The way each group approaches obstacles , it turns out , defines much of what separates them. 所以,你是哪一種人呢? 在你立馬想拍胸脯保證說自己是 Open-minded 的人之前,請想想: 思想封閉 的人才不會說自己思想封閉呢! 事實上他們自認為自己有開放的心胸,才是最危險的事情。 你是真的有開放的心胸,還

[瑜伽生物力學] 潛變現象(Creep),生活實例:牙醫脖子痛

前幾天,幫一位病人做需要比較長時間的治療,結束之後,回到休息室,我就感受到,好久沒感覺到的脖子痛。 此時,我一點也不擔心、不緊張,反而很興奮,因為這不是我前幾天,才在生物力學書中讀到的一個概念嗎!!!(真是個 Nerd ) 這個現象,叫做「潛變」( Creep )。 💪 是指,當組織在長時間,受到固定的外力作用下,一開始形狀改變非常快,再來形變會漸趨緩慢。 接著,當把外力移走之後,進入恢復( Recovery )狀態,這時會需要花比較長的時間,才能恢復到原來的模樣。 於是,當組織在潛變的狀態,組織的彈性( Elastic )、剛性( stiffness ,物理受力而變形的程度) 會下降,所以在我們剛要變換姿勢的時候,需要多點耐心、時間,等待組織恢復原本狀態,避免疼痛、受傷。 白話一點的舉例~ ✈️ 你知道為什麼,下飛機之後,走到領行李的地方,都要這麼遠嗎?因為坐太久了,下背組織會潛變,組織彈性、剛性下降,所以把走動時間拉長,讓組織恢復,避免等下大家拿行李的時候,背拉傷可就不好了。 這是多倫多大學,肌動學教授 Doug Richards 說,多倫多機場如何減低,旅客在長時間搭飛機之後,拿行李時,背部不小心拉傷的方式。 其實也是因為有潛變這個現象,我們的脖子、背部才不會無限的被拉長,所以這也是保護我們身體的一個方式,也不要把潛變當不好的事情,而且重點是,這是能夠恢復的! 於是,根據以上的知識,建議各位牙醫們: 1⃣️ 當在做長時間的治療時,記得隨時動動自己的頭,可以小角度左右上下轉動,甚至抬頭看看不同方向,都是很好的方式。(熟能生巧的牙醫們,可以試試看練習這件事情) 😉 2⃣️ 每個病人治療之間,記得喝個水,上個廁所,不要一個接一個看,雖然有時候病人很多,讓人很焦慮,但是身體需要休息,精神狀態也需要緩衝,照顧好自己,絕對是最重要的事情。 我保證,你不會因為每個病人之間,休息三到五分鐘,去喝個水,就窮到沒飯吃,但你會因為給自己身體休息時間,而能多看好幾年。 3⃣️ 不幸治療時間就是很長,而且很困難,必須目不轉睛,那改變頸部動作的時候,慢慢來,並且理解潛變是屬於自然現象。 4⃣️ 平時適當的運動、加強身體覺察,加強組織韌性,變得強壯


  以下為影片簡短的文字紀錄,音檔完整版請點這邊: Anchor收聽 apple podcast 收聽 Spotify 收聽 KKbox 收聽 (一)什麼是肩胛骨穩定? Sean: 肩胛骨好好的待在它該在的位子上是肩胛骨穩定,但是我需要它不只是“好好的待在它該在的位子上” 妍汝: 肩胛骨在靜態、動態活動的過程中,可以跟胸廓維持良好的活動、順暢的關係,不會有太快,或是不動。 奕辰: 肩胛骨穩定的定義滿多的,比較簡單的想法是,在活動時,能夠維持貼合在胸腔、肋骨(胸廓)上。 佩芩: 肩胛骨周邊肌肉,彼此之間有很好的協調,可以讓肩胛骨維持在動態平衡的狀態,簡單來說,在該動的時候,做出協調、平順的動作,不該動的時候也能保持穩定。 (二)肩肱節律,算是一種肩胛骨穩定的定義嗎? 奕辰: 肩肱節律是肩胛骨穩定,非常重要的元素之一,而且可以客觀測量,其他重要元素包括有沒有辦法很好的貼合在胸廓。 佩芩: 不能算是一個定義,比較像是一個觀察的視角,而不能代表肩胛穩定的全貌。可以用來觀察手高舉的動作時,肩胛、肱骨、鎖骨彼此之間的動作,但不能完整的代表他在支撐、負重的能力。 妍汝: 一部份,一開始這個肩肱節律是在看肩胛骨、肱骨之間的關係,但很多研究也是發現每個人移動的角度有些許不同,我覺得可以觀察兩邊肩膀移動狀況對稱與否,還要搭配看手支撐動作 Sean: 肩肱節律是觀察肩膀是否功能正常的其中一個指標,但只用”肩肱節律“來判斷胸廓肩胛功能正常,我認為這個論述並不夠完整,畢竟肩膀其實是一個十分精緻的構造。 (三)假設一個人在四足跪姿聳肩,或是有翼狀肩胛,我們可以說他的肩胛骨是不穩定的嗎? 佩芩: 如果這個聳肩或翼狀肩的出現,是一個他沒有辦法控制的代償動作的話,那肩胛骨穩定可能就是不足的,建議動作難度降低、拆解 。 奕辰: 這要從兩個方面看,首先肩胛骨不穩定時,做動作過程中容易出現這樣的問題,但我們沒辦法從這個現象回推他肩胛骨不穩定,因為也許他的肩胛骨,非常的“穩定”在聳肩、翼狀肩胛的位置,所以不能直接說他不穩定,需要搭配其他的檢查。 再來一個要知道的是,不會做,還是他做不出來,這兩個在控制上是不一樣的。一個是他真的肩胛不穩定而產生,一個是他跟本不知道自己在做這個動作有這樣的狀況,所以如果他能自我調整,那就不能代表他的肩胛骨有不穩定的現象。 Sean: 可以,但也不一定是肩胛骨問題,造成這個結果的