為什麼,有些人可以在他的人生,持續的進步,而另一些人,就是會一直犯相同的錯誤呢? 雖然這件事情,並沒有一定正確的答案,但我發現 這兩群人,在面對困境跟挑戰的思考模式上,有一個很大的差異。 前者,在面對事情的時候,有一個 開放的心,渴望去學習,而且勇於認錯 。 後者,意見不合的時候,總是不願意討論,而且他們認為:與其承認自己錯,不如死了算了。 這兩種面對困境的方法,造就了他們的不同。 Why is it that some people seem to make constant progress in their professional and personal lives , while others appear to be doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over ? While the answer isn ’ t cut and dry , I ’ ve noticed an interesting mindset difference between these two groups: they approach obstacles and challenges very differently. The first group approaches life with an open mind — an eagerness to learn and a willingness to be wrong. The second group digs their heels in at the first sign of disagreement and would rather die than be wrong. The way each group approaches obstacles , it turns out , defines much of what separates them. 所以,你是哪一種人呢? 在你立馬想拍胸脯保證說自己是 Open-minded 的人之前,請想想: 思想封閉 的人才不會說自己思想封閉呢! 事實上他們自認為自己有開放的心胸,才是最危險的事情。 你是真的有開放的心胸,還...