
海洋般的動作 Part II 脊椎如波浪般的動作 Spinal wave

Spinal Wave
This movement takes the spine through flexion and extension in a wave-like motion from the tailbone to the crown of the head. Imagine a gentle rolling wave more than a crashing wave.

Begin on all fours. Start the wave in the lower spine by curling the pelvis under so the tail bone moves toward the floor. Continue the movement into the lower spine. Rounding (flexion) moves through the lower spine, mid spine and upper spine/neck and ends out the crown of the head. Imagine each vertebrae moving one at a time but allow it to be continuous and fluid. Then reverse the motion of the pelvis by tilting the tailbone up creating the extension wave from the lower spine all the way through the rest of the spine to the head. As soon as the wave finishes at the top of the spine out through the head, it immediately starts again in the pelvis. See the video below for this.

Spinal wave

The key with this and the other movements is to not think too much about it for our purposes here — Imagine and feel. Allow the imagery to move your body.

Check out this beautiful video of a kelp forest.

I love the image of seaweed or kelp for the spine. The spine is like the long stem (stipe) of kelp — strong but flexible.
This image occurred to me some time ago spontaneously in my movement practice. I closed my eyes and just imagined the seaweed and found the movement so relaxing and enjoyable. I’ve used it ever since.

Kelp is rooted to the ocean floor and the varying movements of the water move the kelp stipe and it’s leaves. The video below shows me in Hero’s Pose but I also practice this sitting in a chair as well. When seated in chair, start on the sit bones with feet grounded, legs hip width or wider. Imagine that your feet and/or legs are rooted to the ocean floor and that your pelvis and spine are being moved by the ocean current. Explore all the directions that might move you in, front to back, side to side, diagonal. You can even add the arms moving them like the leaves (called blades on kelp) off the stipe flowing with the movement.

The movement is the same wavelike movement you found in the Spinal Wave, just vertical with various directions. The movement begins at the base of the spine (pelvis) up. If you are allowing the movement to start in the pelvis, you will feel the sit bones gently rocking underneath you as you move. But don’t get too caught up in the specifics. Just try to let the image move you. I usually close my eyes to get a better mental image. I suggest watching the kelp forest video first to really see the movement you are looking to embody. There are even sea lions at the end who display some delightfully
beautiful fluid movement for more inspiration.

Spinal Wave in Downward Facing Dog Pose
In Down Dog/Elephant, I start with some flexion/extension (think Cat/Cow or Arch/Curl). Rounding the whole spine then extending the spine. Bending the knees a bit on the extension can help allow the pelvis to tilt and aid in the extension. Then move into that wavelike spinal movement from the pelvis rolling up through the spine. Allow the
movement to be continuous. As soon as the wave finishes at the top of the spine out through the head, it immediately starts again in the pelvis.

The video just shows my spine and torso so here is a photo of the position this is done in. It’s actually me teaching my Ocean Motion class in Bulgaria! The ladies are on a chair to show a modification that is helpful if your shoulders or hips are less mobile. Place the chair against a wall so it doesn’t slide away from you.
These are just a few of the many ways you can play with fluid motion. If you have always viewed your spine or body as a rigid structure, perhaps invite a little inspiration from the ocean into your motion. Enjoy!

原文連結 ocean motion




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[瑜伽生物力學] 潛變現象(Creep),生活實例:牙醫脖子痛

前幾天,幫一位病人做需要比較長時間的治療,結束之後,回到休息室,我就感受到,好久沒感覺到的脖子痛。 此時,我一點也不擔心、不緊張,反而很興奮,因為這不是我前幾天,才在生物力學書中讀到的一個概念嗎!!!(真是個 Nerd ) 這個現象,叫做「潛變」( Creep )。 💪 是指,當組織在長時間,受到固定的外力作用下,一開始形狀改變非常快,再來形變會漸趨緩慢。 接著,當把外力移走之後,進入恢復( Recovery )狀態,這時會需要花比較長的時間,才能恢復到原來的模樣。 於是,當組織在潛變的狀態,組織的彈性( Elastic )、剛性( stiffness ,物理受力而變形的程度) 會下降,所以在我們剛要變換姿勢的時候,需要多點耐心、時間,等待組織恢復原本狀態,避免疼痛、受傷。 白話一點的舉例~ ✈️ 你知道為什麼,下飛機之後,走到領行李的地方,都要這麼遠嗎?因為坐太久了,下背組織會潛變,組織彈性、剛性下降,所以把走動時間拉長,讓組織恢復,避免等下大家拿行李的時候,背拉傷可就不好了。 這是多倫多大學,肌動學教授 Doug Richards 說,多倫多機場如何減低,旅客在長時間搭飛機之後,拿行李時,背部不小心拉傷的方式。 其實也是因為有潛變這個現象,我們的脖子、背部才不會無限的被拉長,所以這也是保護我們身體的一個方式,也不要把潛變當不好的事情,而且重點是,這是能夠恢復的! 於是,根據以上的知識,建議各位牙醫們: 1⃣️ 當在做長時間的治療時,記得隨時動動自己的頭,可以小角度左右上下轉動,甚至抬頭看看不同方向,都是很好的方式。(熟能生巧的牙醫們,可以試試看練習這件事情) 😉 2⃣️ 每個病人治療之間,記得喝個水,上個廁所,不要一個接一個看,雖然有時候病人很多,讓人很焦慮,但是身體需要休息,精神狀態也需要緩衝,照顧好自己,絕對是最重要的事情。 我保證,你不會因為每個病人之間,休息三到五分鐘,去喝個水,就窮到沒飯吃,但你會因為給自己身體休息時間,而能多看好幾年。 3⃣️ 不幸治療時間就是很長,而且很困難,必須目不轉睛,那改變頸部動作的時候,慢慢來,並且理解潛變是屬於自然現象。 4⃣️ 平時適當的運動、加強身體覺察,加強組織韌性,變得強壯...

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當我跟別人說我是牙醫兼瑜伽老師的時候,他們都會問我做瑜伽多久了? 我從20歲的時候開始接觸Bikram yoga,但那時我的重心不在瑜伽而是在肚皮舞,所以可能問我肚皮舞跳多久我回答起來可以比較不害臊。但真正引領我進入身心學的領域,是我22歲開始接觸皮拉提斯。 我非常感謝我的皮拉提斯老師夢珍老師,是他的教學方式啟發我對身體的探索,我永遠記得第一堂課上完我留下來跟他討論好久的解剖,興奮地分享剛剛上課的體會,是老師的教學才會有今天的我,老師非常樂於分享、學習新東西,上他的課總是很多驚喜。 我知道你還是想問我做多久?我可以給你你想要的數字:斷斷續續6年瑜伽、肚皮舞,皮拉提斯4年,考完師資2年,教學1年多。 你還是想問什麼時候可以當老師? 沒有什麼時候是完全準備好的時候,當時間來了,就只是剛好抓到那個時機、抓到那個幸運而已 。 我們都同時是學生,也同時是老師,當我在這項專業剛好比你厲害一點點,我就可以當你的老師,當學生覺得沒什麼好跟我學的時候,他們會自己去找更適合提升他們的老師。而當老師之後也不是靜止,因為當老師一直給出自己的內涵,就會開始匱乏、疲累,必須不斷從各方面獲取創意、能量、想法,才能重新內化給予學生,並且休息學會照顧自己。 所以,我現在還是會去上我老師的課啊,因為這就是我生活的一部份,同時也是自我充實的方式。